Banana Halwa(Nenthra Pazham Halwa)

This is a super duper Sweet.As it is clear by its name ,Nethra pazham is the main  ingredient in this Reipe.This recipe is worth trying once.I got this recipe from Sangeetha 's original recipe click 's my version.


Nethra Pazham(extra ripe) - 3 medium
Sugar - 1 cup
Ghee - 1/2 cup
Cardmom Powder - a pinch
All purpose flour - 3tsp
Milk - 1 1/4 cup


Steam the bananas in a steamer or pressure cooker.cook well and remove the black seeds.Allow them  to cool.Make a smooth paste in a grinder.Meanwhile put a heavy bottom pan on the stove and add the milk and sugar.Boil them ,When they reach a thick consistacncy add the banana paste and mix them well.Keep on have to be patient,it needs more time.To thicken the halwa add the flour dissolved in 1/4 cup of water.keep on stirring.When they are almost thick add the ghee little by little.Mix well till  the colour become
brown.Add cardmom powder .When the halwa is leaving the side of the pan switch off the stove and spread this to a greased plate.Allow them to cool.Cut into squares and garnish with Cashews.Enjoy!!


  1. hey sree,
    kidilam!!!Great job da..looks tempting & thank you for mentioning me and my blog in this post.Keep rocking dear!!!

  2. Delicious halwa..lov anything made of Nentrapazham...

  3. IT looks perfect and yummy...thanks for sharing the recipe...will try this one

  4. Delicious halwa... nice try with nentrapazham...

  5. Delicious halwa, looks gorgeous..

  6. Good one.. I wish I could get Nenthrapazham here to try this out.

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog dear..u do hv a nice space here...yummy halwa

  8. I remember trying your carrot halwa last month and it was great. I came here to look for similar recipes and found this...yum!I cant wait to try it!


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